Published on:
September 27th, 2012
Thank you for the donations provided through the drive by:
Musicians: Topsy Chapman, John Boutte, Ernie Vincent, & Mario Abney
Thanks for the food provided by: Laurel Street Bakery, Nirvana, & Santa Fe Tapas
Show Hosts & Pitchers: K. Balewa, Crystal Gross, Dan Myer, Leslie Cooper, Duane Williams, George Ingmire, Renard Poche, Ron Ringenberg, Christy Carney, Maryse Dejean, Veronica Cromwell, Anastasia Shaw, Bob Murret, Tommy Lyons, Bob Rodrigue, and AJ Rodrigue
Phone Bank Volunteers: Austin Allen, Leslie Cooper, Trixie Levins, Monique Hamilton, Corey Collins, Ruth Marinello, Clarissa Koederitz, Bobby Vallecillo, Andrew Monson, Remee Dodge, Michel Gagnier