Exactly four weeks from Fat Tuesday, it's time to get serious about Mardi
Gras. Thus the Dixie Cups and their 1965 rendition of "Iko Iko", a bubble gum
take on a Carnival classic first recorded in 1954 as "Jock-a-Mo" by James
"Sugar Boy" Crawford.
A family act from the Call...
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Jamaica's Andrew Chin, better known as Brushy One String, was a crowd pleaser
at last year's Jazz Fest, playing an acoustic guitar with a single string
(see the photo above).
Brushy's act is an object lesson in doing more with less. He makes engaging
music by combining his ...
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Chicago Blues legend (and inspiration to many a 1960s British rocker)
McKinley Morganfield (1913–1983), better known as Muddy Waters, sounds
great at 64-years-old in this live performance, recorded in Dortmund, West
Germany in 1976.
It's a little over an hour long, and cont...
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Inviting all fun people in New Orleans to join a new marching krewe, which
will debut as part of the KreweDelusion parade on Saturday, February 15, 2014
rolling right after Krewe du Vieux. It's the Krewe of King James: the Super
Bad Sex Machine Strollers, and if you love So...
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Esperanza Spalding (appearing in New Orleans on February 6 with the Spring
Quartet in a sold-out Jazz Journey concert to be live broadcast on WWOZ)
sounds terrific in this undated live performance on NRK1, the Norwegian
Broadcasting Corporation's main television channel.
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Being a dj is similar to an explorer with some folks even calling dj’s
“diggers.” Explorers dig through clues, maps and dirt and dj’s dig
through record racks, crates, bootleg cassettes and old wine boxes filled
with cds. I have the rare opportunity to be able to share my...
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Rebirth Brass Band kills it with this Carnival staple, "Big Chief", filmed in
2011 at the Maple Leaf using 5 cameras by Come See About Me Productions,
who've worked on a Brass Roots documentary.
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I was thinking about Pete Seeger and what he and his music meant to many.
It was not just the folk songs, it was the role and responsibility of
the musician that Seeger exemplified.
To Seeger, Politics and Music were never separate...
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The Meters do "Look Ka Py Py" and "Jungle Man" in this 1974 edition of
Soundstage, a PBS live concert series produced in Chicago from 1974-1985 and
revived in 2003. The band is completely funk-tastic, and the introduction by
Dr. John (who, along with Professor Longhair, app...
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Saying "snow" (the "s-word) in New Orleans causes unadulterated panic. The
main routes out of town are closed, there was a run on grocery stores and
businesses, government and airlines shut down. No, it's worse than what you
think. Get this - there was a run on buying ic...
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