WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
Tonight on the Kitchen Sink, as a tribute to the Maharajah of New Orleans
Funk, we'll be playing the WWOZ Billy Delle Mardi Gras Special 1996 with
Eddie Bo. We may also do some of Eddie's more and less famous cuts. All
this will go down starting around 10 PM.
We miss you...
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Saturday the weather was nice and I decided to take in more live music in a single outing than I've done in quite a while. In retrospect this was actually great preparation for a couple of New Orleans Marathons that are scheduled over the next two months. No I'm not talking ab...
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The Stanley and Stella Shouting Contest is the culmination of the five-day long Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival. Mint Juleps in hand, a crowd gathers every year in Jackson Square to witness and participate in this competition which has come to stand for the pa...
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We are saddened by the passing of pianist Eddie Bo, one of New Orleans' greatest performers, on Wednesday, March 18, at the age of 79. He fused jazz, R&B, funk, soul, and blues seasoned with New Orleans flavor to create hits like "Hook & Sling" and "Check Your Bucket." Our hea...
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Tune in this Wednesday March 18th at 10:00 p.m. for our very special guest
Mr. Clint Maedgen.
Clint will debut his new c.d. titled "Open Restraints" coming out with his
Plus 9 line-up featuring a lot of great players, including Stanton Moore and
Mike Dillon.
He is having ...
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Jazz Trombonist Slide Hampton drops in to the WWOZ studios to talk with
Charles Burchell about his Wednesday night appearance at the New Orleans
Center for Creative Arts. This NEA Jazz Masters Program is sponsored locally
by the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation, the C...
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Thanks for a Great Spring Pledge Party!
A special note from our Membership Director, Crystal Gross:
We fell a bit short of our goal, but more than 1,700 members called or went
online to pledge their support, and I personally want to thank you for doing
your part to help '...
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On February 27, 2009, the Howling Wolf held a viewing followed by a funeral service for Snooks Eaglin. Friends, family and members of the musical community gathered to salute the artist formerly known as Blind Guitar Ferd, Ford Eaglin, Baby Snooks or Li’l Snook but forever kno...
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Thank you to everyone who stepped up to make our Pledge Party a success! And thanks to all of you who support WWOZ all year long, so we can keep bringing you the good times and great music. Check out photos of some of the fantastic New Orleans musicians who stopped by to show ...
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