WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
Welcome to the Jungle Why are there so many songs about the "jungle?"
Hundreds of songs from country and western to disco and every style in
between. Jungle songs? Imagine oooga boogas, oongowas, monkey and elephant
noises and way too many Tarzan yells all put to music. ...
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What a wonderful show today. It was fortunate that I had the studio set when
Tab Benoit came in late on George's show so we could bring him to you in best
form. I really enjoyed engineering that set and can't wait to listen to the
recording. Crossroad got about a 15 minute ...
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In Part 2 of NOATWL's birthday celebration, we listen to some living-room
recordings captured during the show's first season. There's nothing electric
on this show: just fiddles, accordions, acoustic guitars, cellos and
beautiful voices. We also travel to the low country fo...
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For tomorrow's "Sittin' At The Crossroad" my friend Big Daddy O' will join me
for the whole show and play some music for us LIVE. My other guest had to
cancel due to 'work', she's a movie star too. Olga will join me in two weeks
for a live set.
For all of you who join or r...
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Having just got back from the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, I have
never been so glad of what is commonly referred to as ‘New-Orleans-Time'.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it can be quite annoying when you find yourself
waiting in a bar until 9 PM for friends who swo...
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Happy first birthday, NOATWL! The audio documentary series, produced and hosted by ‘OZ deejay George Ingmire, investigates New Orleans culture against a backdrop of music, food, and live events. Here’s a peek behind the scenes as we chat with the man behind this syndicated WWO...
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Check out these highlights from our Spring 2010 Membership Drive! We had
dozens of great New Orleans musicians stop in to perform and chat live on the
air — all to get YOU to help support 'OZ and the music of New Orleans. And
we thank all of our volunteers, staff, musicians...
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This Thursday Jason Moran, fabulous pianist and composer extraordinaire,
will stop by the studio before going on to Snug Harbor for his appearance
with the brilliant Herlin Riley.
This young Houston native now resides in Brooklyn and has played with
Cassandra Wilson, Stev...
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Bob Andrews has been in the music scene since the late 60s, taking part in UK
Pub Rock before going to produce a number of great records including "There
She Goes" by The Las. He made his way to New Orleans in the early 90s -
collaborating with everybody from Marva Wright t...
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