Published on:
March 20th, 2010
Day 3 Another day of great music in the Music Capital. (Be sure to check out the slide show at the bottom of this blog posting)
Yet another day full of music and walking.
As SXSW has grown it has spread out virtually all over town, making for some long walks (unless you catch the bike cabs) from venue to venue. The day played out much like yesterday, bouncing around to some of the day parties, the highlight being filter magazine’s party.
The Boudin Man split off early and headed to the convention center for the record show and we have not heard back from him. His pictures of the Texas Tornado’s did show up for this blog.
The night time started with a little disappointment after walking somewhat out the way to see Kat Edmonson, a great new jazz vocalist from Austin, we arrived to find a line wrapped around the block to get in. After regrouping we headed back to Sixth Street where the night took a somewhat more international path for me, including a stop a Japan Night (which I always recommend) as well finishing the night bouncing between a slew of clubs in the Red River area.
Funny story of the night…right before walking in to see the Givers, I hear the Hot 8 version of Sexual Healing blaring across the street with tons of people dancing in this parking lot. I had no idea Hot 8 was even in town so we ran across the street to check it out only to find a dj playing it off a record. I guess not every city has the chance to hear that stuff live all the time…moral of story….we got it good in NOLA.
One day left and only the strong remain standing.
We are trying to "Finish Strong!"
Speak and Spell the Space Age
Not alone among an incredible swath of assorted children's "educational" toys, Speak and Spell is the new theremin.
The cow says...Mooooooooo!